Why You’ll Love It

Savings Every Time
Save 10% off your products with every Autoship order.

Set Your Own Schedule
Choose a frequency that works for you. Change or cancel anytime.

Select Preferred Shipping
Conveniently select your preferred carrier and shipping method.

Next-Level Support
Expert customer support to guide you before and after orders.
How It Works
Shop Products

Choose Autoship when shopping our wide selection of products to enroll.
Savings will appear

Savings will appear at checkout.
Manage Autoship

Manage your ongoing Autoship order in your customer dashboard.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Autoship work?
- To enroll, choose Autoship when shopping for our wide selection of products.
- Set frequency, then add items to your cart. Note: each Autoship order must be processed separately.
- Create an account, or login using your credentials.
- Select your preferred shipping frequency.
- Submit payment information.
- Receive your order confirmation. Your first Autoship order will arrive soon!
Do I get a discount for choosing Autoship?
Yes! You save 10% on every order when selecting a frequency between 1 to 12 weeks.
Are there any items that can’t be ordered through Autoship?
Yes, there are some items that do not ship directly from our Austin, Texas warehouse. Those items will not have the Autoship option available on the product page.
When will my order ship?
Autoship orders are a priority! Most orders ship from our Austin, Texas warehouse within 1 to 2 business days.
Will I receive a reminder email?
Two days prior to your scheduled Autoship order, you’ll receive an email confirming the product, quantity and ship date. A confirmation email will be sent once your Autoship order has been placed. Tracking information will be sent once products are shipped.
How do I cancel or change my Autoship order?
To change, reschedule, or cancel your Autoship order, log into your customer dashboard and go to your orders. You will see “Autoship” towards the right. Select this option to manage your order. Note: placing an order on “Pause” will prevent all future deliveries. You can remove the “Pause” at any time.
Can I apply promotions to my Autoship order?
All your Autoship orders receive 10% off. We are unable to combine any promotions, custom pricing, or additional discounts to your Autoship order.
How can I update my payment method?
Manage your ongoing Autoship order in your customer dashboard by going to “Payments” and selecting the “Update your payment method” link. Here you can update credit card information.