We want to help be part of the solution. That is why we supply only the highest quality ingredients for environmental science including, agriculture, ecology, chemistry, plant science, zoology, mineralogy, oceanography, limnology, soil science, and geology.
Hydrogen Peroxide, a chemical compound that is mostly found in disinfectants, is also an approved chemical for controlling microbial pests on crops that grow both indoors and outdoors. Hydrogen peroxide is used agriculturally, to prevent and control fungi and bacteria that causes serious plant diseases. When hydrogen peroxide is used as a pesticide, it can be sprayed directly on the crops, used as a soak for plant roots, or as a soil treatment during the pre-planting phases. If used properly, hydrogen peroxide as a pest control method does not pose a threat to the environment.
Activated Carbon (Charcoal) is a reactive absorbent material that is used for the physical separation of impurities from soil. In agriculture, activated carbon removes toxins directly from soil during a process called soil amendment, in which the charcoal is dissolved into a solution and sprayed directly onto the soil to improve its physical properties, such as permeability, infiltration and even the structure of the plant. Activated charcoal is also used to absorb and eliminate chemical spills, like pesticides, due to its attraction to organic chemicals and particles. It increases soil fertility and plant growth, and will even eliminate bacteria from plants and protect them from unwanted odors.
Isopropyl Alcohol, or Isopropanol, is used for various industrial and consumer purposes, and is now approved for use as an algicide (an agent that kills and prevents the growth of algae) and as a sanitizer and disinfectant in organic livestock and crop production.
140 Proof (70%) Isopropyl Alcohol is recommended for the effective removal of bacteria, fungi and viruses from tools that are used for cutting, like medical implementations used throughout the production of livestock. In much lower concentrations, isopropyl alcohol can be used on plants as a protectant against pests like slugs and snails by drying out their bodies.