Questions & Answers
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How long does lactic acid (Lot L8810915) last after opening the bottle? I understand that it expires on 12/30/25. Does it mean it is also good until that date for any opened bottle? Thank you
Hello, and thank you for your question,
Yes, the product is still good up to the expiration or retest date in the Certificate of Analysis, regardless if the container has been opened or not.
Are these two lot numbers the same product? Lot 5000909/1.1 Lot L8810915 The Certificate of Analysis of both lots are different. The country of origin is different. Lot 5000909/1.1 is not USP grade. I only want to order USP and food grade lactic acid that is Lot L8810915. How can I purchase this lot only?
Hello, and thank you for your question,
Both products are Lactic Acid 88%, regardless of the lot number. The difference is the analytical testing performed to each lot.
Unfortunately, we no longer have in stock product of lot# L8810915.
Hi, I previously bought the lactic acid 88% (Lot L8810915). It was USP/FCC Food grade, made in Japan. We used it as an pharmaceutical ingredient. Recently, we bought the same lactic acid 88%, but the lot number is different (Lot 5000909/1.1). This lot does not say USP anymore. Does it still have USP standard? Also, based on the certificate of analysis, it seems to have a less comprehensive test than previous lot. Can you elaborate more on this? Thank you.
Hello, and thank you for your question,
Unfortunately Lab Alley no longer offers USP grade Lactic Acid, only Food grade.
The reason for the removal of USP grade is due to the analytical testing performed on the product. We cannot guarantee it meets the USP grade, only the FCC specifications.