A Phenol Obtained From Thyme Oil Or Other Volatile Oils
About Thymol
Thymol, 2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol, has a chemical formula of C10H14O and occurs naturally as a monoterpenoid phenol derivative of p-Cymene. White crystalline in appearance, thymol has an aromatic odor resembling the taste of thyme, and possesses antiseptic properties making it an ideal choice for pharmaceutical applications. At a pH of around 7, thymol is only slightly soluble in water; however, it is completely soluble in alcohols or other organic solvents such as hexane, toluene, and tetrachloroethylene. Due to this property, it serves as a pH indicator for laboratory applications.
Common Uses and Applications
- Fungicides
- Antibacterial
- Disinfectants
- pH indicator
- Toothpaste
- Pharmaceutical stabilizer
- Animal repellent
- Pesticide
- Food flavorings
- Perfumes
- Pharmaceutical
- Personal Care & Cosmetics
- Pesticides
- Laboratory
- Cleaning Manufacturing
- Agricultural Manufacturing
- Food & Beverage