LCMS Grade Chemicals
LCMS Grade Chemicals
Suitable purity for Liquid Chromatography
About LCMS grade chemicals
LCMS grade chemicals are among the highest purity reagents. These chemicals are suitable for high purity applications, especially mass spectrometry, chromatography, and other analytical techniques.
LCMS stands for liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometric analysis requires the highest purity reagents to reduce analytical interferences and prolong the lifespan of expensive instrumentation. High purity solvents will allow for improved sensitivity while reducing the need for instrumental maintenance over time.
Other applications besides mass spectrometry may also use LCMS grade reagents. LCMS grade reagents can be used for analytical techniques with less stringent purity requirements, such as HPLC coupled to UV-vis detection.
Lab Alley provides high-purity, LCMS-grade chemicals you can trust to get the most out of your chemical analysis.
Major uses and applications
The following areas are the most prevalent applications for LCMS grade chemicals.
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries: The medical and pharmaceutical industries may use LCMS grade solvents and standards for analytical drug discovery and quality control.
- Academics research: Academic institutions rely on LCMS grade chemicals to carry out analytical chemistry methods such as chromatography and mass spectrometry experiments.
- Food and beverage industry: The food and beverage industry may use LCMS grade solvents and standards for quality control and objective flavor analysis.
Common Uses and Applications
- Pharmaceutical testing
- Academic research labs
- Instrumental analysis
- Food testing
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Academic Research
- Food industry